New 9555 IntelliDOCK, PotsDOCK and SatDOCK-G firmware compatible wit Iridium 9555 firmware HT17001
Released: December 13, 2017
Beam Communications would like to inform all customers that its docking stations, IntelliDOCK 9555, PotsDOCK 9555 and SatDOCK-G 9555 is now fully compatible with Iridium 9555’s latest firmware version HT17001.
Beam’s firmware upgrade will address the issue of the Iridium 9555 handset rebooting whilst docked in one of Beam’s 9555 docking station.
It is recommended to upgrade to the latest firmware version for Iridium and Beam Communications. Please go to the relevant links provided below:
For IntelliDOCK 9555 or PotsDOCK 9555:
The new firmware version for IntelliDOCK 9555 and PotsDOCK 9555 is version 2.10 and comes in the latest version of the PotsDOCK Management System (PDMS).
Download the new version PDMS here.
Download the 9555 PotsDOCK/IntelliDOCK firmware release notes here.
For SatDOCK-G 9555:
The new firmware version for SatDOCK-G 9555 is version 1.9 and comes in the latest version of the SatDOCK Management System (SDMS).
Download the new version SDMS here.
Download the 9555 SatDOCK-G firmware release notes here.
Uninstall your existing PDMS/SDMS version before installing the new version.
Follow on-screen procedure during the installation process.
For Iridium 9555 handset:
To update the Iridium 9555 handset firmware, download the firmware upgrade tool with version HT17001 here.
Uninstall your existing 9555 firmware upgrade tool before installing the new version.
Follow on-screen procedure during the installation process.
For any questions please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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BEAM Communications